Bill Gately
I commenced as a human resources cadet with BHP in 1979 and immediately realised I had both a passion and a capacity to interact with others and facilitate their growth and development. A 40 year career ensued working with top global companies in unique, challenging and often difficult circumstances. I participated in business management and leadership teams at the highest levels, worked directly for CEO’s, supported Boards, with a core discipline in Human Resources and Safety. During this time, I participated in a range of world class leadership development programmes.
In 2016 I stepped away from a Corporate role and pursued my passion for engaging with and developing people in leadership roles. I have successfully completed over 40 direct coaching assignments during this time, and am now proud to be the Hewsons Executive Coach Sydney.
As a result of my extensive and business-based experiences, I have effectively ensured that my coaching clients achieve outcomes that are practical and align to the needs of their organisation. A ‘whole of life’ approach has also supported them in locking in lasting and significant personal gains. I have also leveraged our coaching frameworks, which directly link coaching outcomes to measurable results, to further enhance the impact of my work.
Individuals whom I have coached routinely report that they now lead with greater confidence, impact and authenticity. Some have transitioned from being inwardly focussed achievers to highly effective team players. Others from thinking they have to ‘do it all’ to believing in getting outcomes through and because of others. Invariably my clients have also been able to confront their doubts and fears, step out of their comfort zones and achieve outcomes beyond their expectations. I have assisted many clients to assess their career and personal goals (and purpose) and have greater focus and clarity with the directions they are taking.
Through my experience as an executive coach Sydney and Australia-wide, I have directly facilitated change, strategy and leadership processes with various executive teams, all with highly positive and lasting outcomes. And have contributed to the significant improvement in team dynamics and results through the coaching of all individuals on that team.
All of these processes and outcomes are underlined by a highly personalised and authentic style. I invest in building strong relationships, earn respect and attain credibility which has then enabled me to get to the difficult and challenging conversations, and the areas that deliver lasting and worthwhile changes for the individual. For executive coaching Sydney businesses can rely on for dramatic long-term change, Bill Gately is an obvious choice.
Hewsons provides unique, transformational coaching for executives and leadership teams across Australia.
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