What Our Clients Say

It has transformed the culture of the leadership team. In terms of results, the bottom line has been production. We have hugely increased production .. by 30%. Also, staff turnover has gone from 68% to 13%.”
General Manager
Mandalay Resources, Australia
The team based seminar program together with the one-on-one coaching provided by Hewsons has been pivotal in refreshing our teams' culture, and our ability to resolve issues with each other which in the past have been barriers to us working effectively together. As an example, my Team Leaders and I have been able to have authentic conversations and reach agreement about how we will hold one another to account, and how in turn each of them will hold their teams to account. When held to account, the team members have responded accordingly. Our people are lifting themselves out of being victims of their circumstances and are acknowledging their own part in unresolved issues or communications breakdowns, allowing everyone to resolve issues faster and with a lot less angst.”
Joe Thompson
Manager - Healthy Landscapes, Hunter Local Land Services
Hewsons coach has been a great support for me personally and professionally. His advice has been invaluable, given the significant challenges that I have had in my CMO role at Qantas. It is very helpful to have an independent perspective on issues that you can get too close to. Hewsons has a number of powerful tools and frameworks that help you discover solutions to almost any problem.”
Lewis Pullen
Global Marketing Manager, Qantas
I used Hewsons when I was the CEO of an ASX 200 company and found the concepts and models introduced by my coach very useful in thinking differently about the challenges I was facing. I used my coach as a sounding board and was able to discuss issues in a confidential environment that were difficult to discuss with the people I worked with. I found this very useful particularly as a CEO, as it is difficult to have such a resource internally.”
Justin Ryan
My Hewsons coach was recommended to me by a friend and did not know about the business of the arts though is a passionate consumer! I was impressed and amazed by his ability to drill immediately into issues and situations. His honesty, integrity and ability to get to the nub of an issue is very impressive. I found the sessions immensely helpful in my work and would recommend Hewsons highly for any industry or situation. The results were immediate, impactful and helpful to doing my job well.”
Craig Hassall
CEO, Opera Australia
The techniques have had a demonstrable benefit in my effectiveness in working with senior executives, board directors and operational managers across a range of subjects and issues. It has provided enhanced relationship management and interaction capability.”
David Pegley
CEO, Cash Services Australia
I highly recommend the Hewson's executive coaching programs for individuals looking to develop themselves into authentic and accountable leaders, as well as organisations/agencies that require real change or the development of cohesive and effective leadership teams.

I have been able to utilise the tools that Joe has coached me in not only in my professional life but also in my personal life. You could say that working with Joe has changed my life.”
Jamie Murray
Director, Regional Operations East, NSW Department of Industry - Crown Lands and Water
Over the last six months Carolyn has coached us as a group in working as a true Executive Team, empowering our Management team and coached each of the executives into a higher level of individual performance. The increased level of outcomes we are achieving as an Executive Team after the intervention by Carolyn is both obvious and significant. Thank you Carolyn.”
Desmond Wheeler
Managing Director, Maverick Bio Materials
We engaged Hewson’s to work with our site leadership team as we strive for true high performance. Being a new leader with a team that has been together for a decade I needed help to transform the team relationships and in turn our effectiveness as leaders. Carolyn constructed the perfect mix of individual assessments and team workshops to transform each of us, but more importantly the team as a whole.”
Jennifer Bennett
Vice President - Operations TEMCO, South 32
When we first met Carolyn, there was a level of accountability she was going to bring to us … it was transformational … we got that we were going to operate differently after working with Hewsons. We’ve been able to build a high-performing, accountable team. It’s transformed the way we listen and talk to each other and how we hold each other accountable.”
Rohan O’Grady
Fmr. Project Director, Civil and Underground Services - Gorgon Project