Gail Kelly – one of Australia’s greatest business leaders


I remember seeing Gail Kelly speak at a Trans-Tasman conference in Melbourne and being incredibly impressed by her down-to-earthness and absolute clarity of vision.  She told the story of the interview for her first GM position which she attended with one of her triplets on her knee!  As a mother myself I am sure that she has had to make sacrifices in her personal life to achieve all that she has accomplished to date but what spoke loudest to me in that story was her stand, her unwillingness to have her circumstances define who she is and her commitment to make a difference in everything she participates in.  She was very real.  There was no hint of ‘woman makes good in a man’s world’, ‘girl succeeds despite the odds’ – just a person with a vision and the courage to make it a reality.


This article is great advice for life itself.  No doubt we have not heard the last of this extraordinary leader, can’t wait to hear what she is up to next.
