Leaders Producing Unpredictable Results


Leaders strive to excel, to go beyond what is predictable and to be proud of the legacy they create with their people and the organisation.

For many leaders unpredictable results are normally associated with long hours, intense stress and pressure, sacrificing aspects of life that are important to them such as family and well being.

What does it take to double our turnover in the next 3 years?

Although most leaders strive for this kind of goal, in most cases, they fail.

Leaders and their teams are good at implementing initiatives that bring about incremental improvements. Most organisations are not good at implementing initiatives that bring about exponential change. Why?

There is a lack of understanding as to what brings about exponential change.

Initiatives taken inside of the same worldview or paradigm will produce at best incremental results i.e. results that are some improvement on what has already happened and are limited by what is seen as possible. The worldview defines what is seen as possible – if you can’t see that it’s possible you won’t even try.

So the access to unpredictable results, exponential results is a new worldview or paradigm. You have to be able to see things from a completely new perspective and that perspective has to occur as real and achievable. If not, it will not happen.

Now the question is, “How do I create a new worldview”. Good question!! It’s the right place to start.
