Seven Principles of Future Leadership


What’s the future demanding of its leaders?

The pace at which the world is evolving has outdated past models of leadership. Many leaders feel inadequate, stressed, confused and frustrated in their commitment to build sustainable and viable organisations whilst dealing with ever increasing demands for short term business results with less resources.

‘Working harder’ inside of existing paradigms seems to be the predominant response to challenges such as low levels of employee engagement, increasing board and stakeholder expectations, globalisation, increasing competition, shrinking margins, the demands of different generational cultures and diversity.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” (Rita May Brown).

To create different outcomes, we need to see things from a different perspective. Doing more of the same will only produce the same results.

I propose that the seven principles below are a foundation for leadership into the future:

1. Create and manage a vision that you and the people that work with you find inspiring and contributes to building a better future. Have all aspects of your leadership be an expression of this vision.

2. Be clear about your core values – always operate consistent with your values (what’s really important to you).

3. Operate with integrity – Honour your word by doing what you say you are going to do.

4. Be accountable for the whole, not just your part – recognise that you are not separate from what’s going on in the whole organisation. We affect and are affected by all aspects of the organisation, so being accountable for the whole will empower you and others.

5. Leadership can no longer reside with the individual – sharing collective leadership through leadership teams. No one leader has the capability and capacity to address all the challenges facing their organisation. Leadership should be throughout the whole organisation, not just with an individual or even a select group.

6. Never stop learning and developing. The more you understand yourself, who you are and how you respond, especially to difficult situations, the greater your ability to effectively deal with those situations and empower the people who work with you.

7. Communicate – share your vision, values, your commitment to authenticity, integrity, accountability and your development with the people around you. It will inspire them to grow and be better.
